Membership applications

CoC – OR-502 Board Member Application Form (PDF version)
CoC – OR-502 General Member Application Form (PDF version)

Click for General Membership Application Form

To participate in election of CoC Board members, the General Membership Application must
be submitted to the Board Secretary no later than 1 week prior to the call for vote of election,
and approved no later than 2 days prior to the call for vote of election.

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Membership Type
If you or your organization is a community service provider, please select the services you or your organization provides: (Please select all that apply)
Do you have lived experience with homelessness, sheltered or unsheltered?
Curent Areas of Operation: (Please select all that apply)
Are you interested in serving on the Board of Directors or a Workgroup?

Click for Board Member Application Form

CoC Purpose:
The Jackson County Continuum of Care (CoC) is a HUD-mandated, community-wide effort to end
homelessness by providing stable housing for those experiencing homelessness and offering
preventative services to those at risk of becoming homeless. The Jackson County CoC seeks to
end homelessness in Jackson County through the collaborative efforts and resources of all
sectors of our community.

Board Member Roles and Responsibilities:
The CoC Board will act on behalf of the CoC to fulfill the responsibilities assigned to the
Continuum of Care by HUD, as well as represent the CoC on issues related to homelessness in
Jackson County. The CoC Board will operate through workgroups that will draft and annually
review policies and procedures and monitor operations relating to their discrete areas of
responsibility. Unless otherwise specified in the Charter or approved by the CoC, no workgroup
may adopt policies or procedures or take any action on behalf of the CoC without the approval
of or ratification by the CoC Board. In addition, the CoC Board will:
1) Solicit recommendations for CoC members for candidates to fill available director and
officer positions;
2) Select the chairs and members of workgroups;
3) Work with committees and workgroups to coordinate the implementation of a housing and
service system for the CoC;
4) Work with committees and workgroups to Coordinate with local jurisdictions/ESG/other
systems of care;
5) Attend at least quarterly meetings of the full CoC membership;
6) Review and update the written process to elect new board members at least every 5 years;
7) Conduct an annual review/update of the CoC Governance Charter;
8) Review membership and appoint CoC Board members to lead Work Groups at least every
two years;
9) Draft and update written standards and policies for the CoC at least annually;
10) Review and approve privacy, security, and data quality plans;
11) Monitor the performance of the coordinated entry system;
12) Develop and share with all CoC members at the beginning of each fiscal year a description
of the work that each workgroup will undertake during the year; and
13) Solicit feedback on and review the performance of the Lead Agency’s Staff, which will
include the HMIS/CES Lead on an annual basis.

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Do you agree to chair a Committee or Workgroup if needed?
I certify that the above information is current and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Please sign your name to certify that the above information is current and accurate to the best of your knowledge.