The Jackson County Continuum of Care (CoC) is a HUD-mandated, community-wide effort to end homelessness by providing stable housing for those experiencing homelessness and offering preventative services to those at risk of becoming homeless. The Jackson County CoC seeks to end homelessness in Jackson County through the collaborative efforts and resources of all sectors of our community.
The Jackson County Continuum of Care commits to:
- Comprehensive strategies to quickly re-house homeless individuals, families, persons fleeing domestic violence, and youth while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness.
- Promoting access to and utilization of programs by unhoused individuals and families through person-centered, coordinated entry, assessment and referral policies and effective utilization of mainstream programs by unhoused individuals and families.
- Offering broad strategies and solutions to optimize self-sufficiency among those experiencing homelessness.
- Promoting and creating permanent affordable housing solutions to specifically address the needs of chronically homeless individuals and families, as well as others at risk of homelessness, including permanent supportive housing and rapid re-housing.
- Maintaining a regional Homeless Information Management System (HMIS) and a coordinated entry system, which matches individuals and families with available housing.
- Effective distribution and use of available resources from HUD Continuum of Care and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs, as well as any other appropriate sources.
- Comprehensive and collaborative oversight of the CoC workgroups, the annual assessment of the state of homelessness in Jackson County, including a Point-in-time Count, Housing Inventory Count, and evaluation of changes in overall homeless conditions and by subpopulations.
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